Sunday, September 26, 2010

Poor Sick Baby

So my poor poopaloo has an unexplainable rash and a UTI. We were at my aunt's house and it was unbearably hot when we first noticed the rash. So we assumed it was just a heat rash. But when DH's mom (who's a nurse) saw it and didn't think it looked like a normal heat rash, so we called the doc. Since it was a saturday, the on-call nurse said to take his temp and it turned out it was 100.6 degrees. So we had to take the poopaloo to the hospital. The doc there had no idea what the rash was, but it seems like it's a viral rash. They ran a bunch of tests and it turns out he has a UTI. Poor thing. He wasn't acting any different, still as happy-go-lucky as ever. We did remember after they said that he has a UTI that sometimes if he's asleep and he pees, he'll start screaming as if it scared him. So it might have been burning :( Poor thing. Since it's very uncommon for circumcised boys to get UTIs there, going to have run some tests to make sure there's nothing structurally wrong with him.

In happier news, he slept IN HIS CRIB, for 7 hours!! We had to comfort him a few times and re-binkie him, but he did it. :)

PS. The pic is of him in his tie onesie watching TV with dada. I'm a little displeased that the baby we weren't going to allow to watch TV is mesmerized by it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Two Month Checkup

So CJ had has two month checkup last week. He weighed a whopping 12lbs, 10oz and was 23 3/4ths inches long. He's ginormous. He also eats every hours approximately. I'm feeding on demand, so he eats a freaking lot. I am breastfeeding, even though I now have a (TMI ALERT!) blister on one of my nipples. Hurts like whoa, but the child has to eat. This is a pic of him after the doctor's office. He had to get a bunch of shots and he made this face like he was going to scream at the top of his lungs. You know the one, the silent scream. But right after the nurse left, he got the boobie and he was a happy camper. He's easy to please this one. :)